Get access to VR and AR technolgy at the VR Lab

Our vision

The VR Lab is one of Snobal’s key initiatives and has grown out of our work over the last couple of years and the lived experiences and understanding that although VR and AR are very much in their infancy they will in time impact every industry – enhancing some, transforming others.

Our vision is for the VR Lab to play a key role in stimulating and helping to build a strong, vibrant VR and AR ecosystem firstly in Victoria then in Australia thereby ensuring Australia is provided with the necessary tools to play a role in the evolution of this next computing platform. It will be a site to foster VR and AR development in not only Melbourne, but in time beyond as well as promote entrepreneurial experimentation. It will also serve as a gathering space for teaching, learning, sharing and doing.

Launching from early 2017 at our founding location – the Dream Factory in Melbourne’s inner west.

Pic of Josh Lipscombe from Inspire9 using VR headset. Photo by Damjan Janevski.

How it will work

Learn by Doing

In collaboration with some of the biggest technology companies in the space, the VR Lab will be initially delivered from the Dream Factory in Melbourne’s inner west. The VR Lab will enable access to the latest VR technology and enable individuals, students, business and start-ups wanting to further their knowledge on VR and AR development to learn, create, innovate and collaborate.


Snobal’s VR Lab’s founding location is in Melbourne’s inner west and will encompass 200m2 with 4 dedicated spaces for room-scale VR, a range of HMDs and peripherals from HTC, Oculus and Microsoft. The facilities will be available from early 2017 for start-ups, freelancers based at the Dream Factory as well as the business community. Soon after the facility will be available for booking by other groups.

In collaboration with

Supported by

Want to find out more about the VR Lab at Inspire9 at The Dream Factory?
(Please note this link will take you to an external website).