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Snobal Cloud updates

What's new

Our Snobal Cloud updates are guided by customer feedback and requests.

Here you will find all the latest updates on Snobal Cloud as well as a sneak peak into future updates too.


Low-risk security enhancements


Release Snobal Cloud 2021 5.23.3

A minor release containing low-risk security enhancements.

Update details

Enhancement of security on potential HTML injection through emails.

Identity Management (Auth0) enhancements


Release Snobal Cloud 2021 5.23.2

This minor release contains Auth0 integration enhancements with Snobal Cloud.

Update details

Customer Admin user able to reset MFA
Users page email is read-only
Fix Profile save bug for Content and Device Manager profile
Special characters for user migration new password

Identity Management (Auth0) integration with Snobal Cloud


Release Snobal Cloud 2021 5.23.1

This important release contains Auth0 integration with Snobal Cloud.

Update details

Auth0 is a federated identity manager, which enhances software security with features like multifactor authentication (MFA).  MFA provides an additional layer of protection to make sure it is the validated user logging into Snobal platform and products.  

Update details

Auth0 integration
MFA integration
Migrate existing users to Auth0
Multi Tenant Support with SSO

Change in User Roles


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.22.1

This important release contains a change in User Roles

Update details

This important update involves a change to user roles on Snobal Cloud available from your dashboard from Monday 12 July 2021.

Prior to 12 July 2021, Snobal Cloud provided many user roles that were available for customers to assign. Based on feedback from customers, we are now streamlining the number of user roles available on Snobal Cloud. We are doing this to make using Snobal Cloud easier for customers to use.

There will now be just three roles available on Snobal Cloud. This will make onboarding new users much simpler.  The three roles include:

Has unrestricted access to Snobal Cloud.

Content manager:
Can access all key features of Snobal Cloud, including creating/managing content, commencing sessions, as well as managing devices. Content managers are unable to add new users or change company settings.

Device manager:
Device managers can add and manage devices and applications on the platform. Device managers are restricted from being able to change any experience content or start sessions. They also cannot add users or change company settings.

You can read the full details about user roles function privileges on the Knowledge Base.


Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) attacks protection


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.21.2

Update details:

Enhanced Snobal Cloud security against potential Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) attacks.

Cross-Site Request Forgery attack protection


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.21.1

New feature release: Enhanced Cross-Site Request Forgery attack protection

Update details:

  • This update includes an additional token to further protect users of Snobal Cloud against a Cross-Site Request Forgery attack. This update will occur automatically on the Snobal Cloud platform and does not require additional action from customers.
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they’re currently authenticated.

New support page


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.19.1

New feature release: new support page on Snobal Cloud.

Update details:

  • New support page on Snobal Cloud – users can now easily access Snobal’s knowledge base and latest updates directly through the platform.
  • Enhanced ‘welcome to the platform’ email for new users – including information on how to get started.
  • Removal of device software button.

Remotely deploy XR applications


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.18 (Part two)

New feature release: remotely deploy XR applications to devices.

Update details:

  • Users can now upload XR application files to Snobal Cloud and remotely deploy to selected devices.
  • Deploy to multiple devices at once via the cloud. No need to sideload.
  • Application version control.
  • Deploy applications built by Snobal, built by you, or built by third party companies.
  • Remotely uninstall applications from devices.
  • Watch the video below to find out how!

Minor enhancements to Snobal Cloud


Release Snobal Cloud 2021.5.18 (Part one)

A few minor updates for this release.

Update details:

  • Fixed detected errors on both the media and activity pages. Included enhancements to the way data is filtered and sorted on both pages.
  • Allow users to download additional data sets at the completion of a session.
  • The ability to disable a device has now been fixed.
  • A tally of the total users and devices paired has been added to the platform.

Dashboard enhancements and bug fixing


Release Snobal Cloud 2020.5.13-17

We’ve been busy working on enhancing existing features on Snobal Cloud and some bug fixes for our XR application too – a few Snobal Cloud releases have flown under the radar! The bulk of our time has been busy spent developing a new product which we’re not quite ready to announce yet. Watch this space!

Update details:

  • Introduced a custom date range filter to our Dashboard – allowing users to view data for a specific date range, and additionally to compare that data to a previous time period.
  • Streamlined the process for uploading media content, and for adding translated media too!
  • Built a company settings page – allowing organisations to modify their platform logo and keep their contact details up to date.
  • Users can now also add their own company locations, making it easier to keep track of devices!
  • Improvements and bug fixing to the way XR activities are reported to Snobal Cloud.

Video streaming and Multi-user capability


Release Snobal Cloud 2020.5.12

Video streaming and multi-user capability

This update enables customers to use video streaming within a virtual environment.

Customers can now enable access by multiple simultaneous users from diverse geographic locations to one virtual environment. This places users in the same virtual environment to interact with each other while visualising the same presentation and data. This opens new possibilities for customer presentations, team presentations. teaching and for collaborative environments.

Multilingual capability (including speech synthesis)


Release Snobal Cloud 2020.5.11

Increasing accessibility and facilitating cross cultural experiences

This update of Snobal Cloud enhances support for multilingual virtual reality and augmented reality (XR) experiences.

Users can manage translating their XR experience content through Snobal Cloud, including listening to speech synthesis and uploading multilingual media. Content is then automatically delivered to participants in the virtual environment in their preferred language.

This update is particularly exciting as it helps facilitate cross cultural experiences by removing possible barriers to participant comprehension and engagement.

See video below. (Be sure to listen with sound on!)

Ability to allocate specific experiences


Today we released Snobal Cloud 2020.5.10.

The update includes:

Ability to allocate specific virtual experiences to an individual or all users of an organisation with an optional availability period.

Snobal application pre-loaded on headsets coupled with enhanced dashboard reporting

21.07 2020

Today we released Snobal Cloud 2020.5.9 and a host of new updates. It was a big release!

Key updates include:

Snobal App: The Snobal application now comes pre-loaded on headsets meaning you can use straight out of the box! Further updates to the application give you control over what experiences are delivered and to whom. Once allocated, your users can complete an experience at a time that suits them, identifying themselves with a unique passcode. Ideal for organisations delivering virtual training and assessment experiences where delivering the right experience to the right person is important.

Enhanced Snobal Cloud dashboard reporting: We’ve also enhanced Snobal Cloud reporting, all with the goal of giving you greater insight into how your users are using experiences. The custom reporting feature enables you to take a snapshot of an experience use at a point in time and enables exporting as a .CSV file for further analysis.

Full update details below:

Headset support (Pico Neo 2 Eye)
* Support for Pico Neo 2 Eye devices to ensure XR solutions run straight out of the box.

Experience management 
* Admin users can view available virtual experiences and control user access to those experiences.
* Time control for greater control over virtual experiences (rewind, skip)
* Ability to allocate user/attendee passcodes to select and initiate a virtual experience entirely from a headset.

Snobal Cloud – dashboard updates (web)
* Access users detailed activity / task progress from the streamlined session management page
* Access users activity results from virtual experiences
* Filter / sort users experiences by date, company, experience, activity, result
* Export results to .CSV file for additional analysis

User management 
* Updates to support attendees and devices, including a customer specified unique ID.

Bug handling
* Improved error handling and reporting from headsets to backend to ensure bugs are tracked and captured at point they occur.
* Access backend logs to enable speed to resolution of reported bug issues.

Take a look at the release video below.

Add own images & videos (including translated versions) for use in XR experiences

28 May 2020

Today we released Snobal Cloud 2020.5.6 which adds media management support so customers can manage images & videos for use in XR experiences. Customers can also add a translated version of the media to support multilingual XR experiences. Ideal for better enabling accessibility within XR experiences for example for stakeholder engagement and public engagement (XR engage) as well as immersive learning experiences (XR learn).

We’ve also added a feature to better support android experiences.

Report and record telemetry information and support for offline experiences

22 April 2020

We’ve released Snobal Cloud 2020.5.5 including supporting a fix for enabling offline experiences meaning you don’t need to be connected to the Internet to run a virtual experience.

Also released a feature to report and record vehicle telemetry information in the virtual environent and report data back to Snobal Cloud. Ideal for road safety testing for example.

Real time outcome reporting from XR experiences

30 March 2020

The release of Snobal Cloud 2020.5.4 with outcome reporting means that the outcome of a users activities or interactions in the virtual environment are reported in real time to a web based dashboard for analysis. Ideal for tracking and understanding how a user (or trainee for example) is interacting and performing  in a virtual environment.

System and device management and reporting

Feb 2020

This a major release of Snobal Cloud. Snobal Cloud 2020.5.3 enables reporting on activity over time on a specific customer’s system. Activity reported includes:

-Number of users/visitors per day
-Number of XR experiences delivered
-Type & duration of experiences

Snobal Cloud 2020.5.3 also monitors and reports on device (headset) usage including: Snobal XR version,computer identifier, device model,device firmware version, device last seen, device active / inactive and last used controllers.

Session management providing control of delivery of XR experiences

Jan 2020

Snobal Cloud 2020.5.2 is a major update on Snobal Cloud. It provides session management capability for customers enabling control of delivery of XR experiences to users. With this release customers can:
– Manage Snobal Cloud users (for eg. provide varying access to different staff)
– Manage vistors enrolled on Snobal Cloud
– Track and capture individual users XR experience interactions and activites.
– Configure sessions ahead of time and assign appropriate XR experiences to each user.


Any questions about our latest releases or future updates, please contact us.

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