The latest release to Snobal VR is a big one. We have added new collaboration tools including:

  • Infinity Space – you can now load and view 1:1 scaled models (factories, manufacturing equipment, aircraft, ships, etc) from the no-code Snobal admin dashboard to view in the infinity space. Great for customer product demos to increase buy-in and understanding, design testing and review of engineering designs, or even use for new hire onboarding.
Image: Infinity space displaying 1:1 scaled model of an aircraft

  • 3D model controls – use the scale and rotate controls for 3D models to get up close to 3D models that you import into your virtual environment. Great for customer product demos and design collaboration and review.
Image: 3D model controls in action
  • Breakout Rooms – we’ve added breakout rooms to templated environments including Reception Hall, Command Room, and the Amphitheatre. Ideal for team breakouts and private meetings.
  • Whole room voice broadcast – a whole room broadcast feature on the Amphitheatre podium. Ideal for use in whole team presentations.
  • Crowd Control – the ability to mute and remove disruptive attendees from virtual environments.
  • Table Manners we’ve added the ability to teleport to and auto orientate the view for group meetings. Helps in ensuring social etiquette and comfort.
Image: Launch of VR apps from within a Snobal VR environment. VR apps can be built by Snobal, by the customer, or by a third-party developer of the customer’s choice
  • Launch VR apps from within the Snobal VR space – you can now upload your VR app from the no code admin dashboard and then launch the app within Snobal VR. Great for delivering virtual training and assessment as part of a curriculum, for example.

And there’s more….

We’ve also brought on some general life improvements including:

  • Network reconnection upon internet droppages.
  • CI/CD setup for Pico Neo3, HTC Focus, and Windows builds
  • Multiple Scalability improvements:
    • Huge reduction in Avatar RAM usage
    • LOD system for Avatars
    • Enable/Disable lip-sync based on distance
    • Improved logic to reduce Avatar transform traffic
    • Enabled Foveated rendering

Want to experience these features firsthand? The best way is to schedule a demo. Reach out below.

Schedule demo

In case you missed it

Metaverse and Fintech: The metaverse has major implications for the future of financial technology and could enable a digital economy writes Stephane Kasriel, previously CEO of Upwork and an early team member at PayPal. Read more.

Government eyes Metaverse: The government should care about the metaverse writes an article in GovTech where Governments can use the metaverse for reasons such as to better inform residents and entice public participation. Read more.

Sony stakes a metaverse claim: Sony is readying for the metaverse with a cross-platform push with Chief Executive Kenichiro Yoshida stating “mobility will be the next megatrend”. Read more.

This article first appeared on Snobal Weekly. You can subscribe to receive updates here.