Key questions our customers ask on implementing a VR collaboration solution.

Welcome to Snobal Midweek. This is where we share our update of what we’re hearing, sharing and thinking about this week. As always if you find Snobal Midweek of value, please comment, forward or share.

Collaboration. The word is everywhere.

While the pandemic induced disruption has driven us all into our homes and onto our devices, it has also made the word “collaboration” have a resonance in a way it never had before.

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As the chaos caused by the last year slowly subsides slowy, business leaders, CEO and boards across the globe are wrangling with the knowledge that hybrid working is here to stay and what that means for how they work.

Employees want to have an office to go to but not all the time. In fact, just a bit of the time and when it suits them. Given that everyone isn’t going to race back into the office anytime soon, what does the organisations digital toolkit around “collaboration” need to look like for the “new normal”?

What is needed to enable more effective employee and customer engagement, collaboration and learning to keep ahead of the game?

In a world where remote working is the new normal, organizations must excel in digital collaboration and harness the power of digital technologies and processes to achieve business outcomes.


If you are an organisation in healthcare, engineering, medtech, pharmacuticals, management consultancy, education, workplace training, media, museums and culture, in fact any industry sector and are wanting to add immersive or virtual reality (VR) collaboration to your organisations digital arsenal what do you need to consider?

Collaborative learning can help managers work together to establish new ways of communicating and managing dispersed workforces, while also supporting greater team agility and employee empowerment.


What are the things you need to be asking and thinking about?

We’ve captured some of the key questions we get asked from customers about implementing VR collaboration in the workplace.

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Have we missed any? Still have questions? 

In case you missed it

Realistic avatars and learning: Are realistic looking avatars needed to enhance virtul reality learning? Maybe not. More >

Hybrid Work Is Here To Stay. Now What? [Interestingly this interview with Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom on blending remote and on-site work does not appear to take account of the potential impact of immersive VR collaboration. ] More>

60% want to work out of the office, but only 2% of want to do this full time. More >

How to calculate the ROI (or Return on Immersion) for (consumer) VR requires new ways of thinking – and moving. More>

Epic Games acquires Sketchfab to become a 3D files powerhouse on the web. More>

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